Programs and Services
Programs & Services
Residential Supports
Level I residential supports shall be furnished in a provider-owned or leased residence which complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act based upon the needs of each participant receiving a support in the residence. It shall be for a participant who requires a twenty-four (24) hour a day, intense level of support. Staffed residence include no more than five (5) unsupervised hours per day per participant. Its purpose is to promote increased independence, and shall be based on the needs of the participant as determined by the participant’s person centered team and the participant’s POC (Plan of Care).
Staffed residence includes adaptive skill development, assistance with activities of daily living (including bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, or maintaining continence), community inclusion, adult education supports, social and leisure development, protective oversight or supervision, transportation, personal assistance, and the provision of medical or health care services that are integral to meeting the participant’s daily needs. Such supports as an individual requires shall be outlined in a participant’s POC.
Participants live in our beautiful houses with a private bedroom sharing the community space with no more than two roommates that are matched by common interests, needs, and personality. The house is considered their home and they have input on decor, amenities, and any other items that make the house their home.
Day Training
The purpose of Day Training is to support the SCL recipient in learning skills that increase quality of life, access to regular community employment, valued social roles, the creation and size of an active circle of support, and inclusion in community life. Activities should be meaningful, and closely related to the individual’s chosen goals.
Day training shall include providing regularly scheduled activities in a non-residential setting that are designed to aid in the acquisition of skills, build positive social behavior and interpersonal competence, and increase independence and personal choice. For those who choose to seek work Day training shall include career planning activities to develop experiential learning opportunities and career options consistent with the participant’s skills and interests. These career planning activities must be person centered and designed to support employment related goals. They must be directly related to personally chosen outcomes by the participant which shall be documented in the participant’s POC, and must be time limited. Day training may be participant directed.
Day training must include activities and environments that are not diversional in nature, and must provide active training or skill development designed to prepare a participant to increase their independence and community presence. This includes skill development to communicate effectively with supervisors, co-workers, and customers, generally accepted community workplace conduct and dress, workplace problem solving skills and strategies, general workplace safety, or mobility training.
Respite shall be provided to a participant who does not receive residential services, resides in the participant’s own home or family's home, and is unable to independently administer self-care. Respite may be provided in a variety of settings by a direct support professional who meets the personnel and training requirements established in applicable administrative regulations and company policy and procedures. It is to be provided on a short-term basis due to the absence or need for relief of an individual providing care to a participant.
Respite must not exceed 830 hours per calendar year and may be participant directed.
Personal Assistance
Personal assistance (PA) is provided to enable a participant to accomplish tasks that the participant normally would do for him or herself if the participant did not have a disability. The participant must be an SCL recipient residing in his or her own home or in his or her family's home.
PA is limited to sixteen (16) hours per day alone or in combination with adult day training, and community access. PA may include:
Hands-on assistance (performing a task for a participant);
Reminding, observing, guiding, or training a participant in activities of daily living;
Reminding, observing, guiding, or training a participant in independent activities of daily living;
Assisting a participant in managing the participant’s medical care including making medical appointments and accompanying the participant to medical appointments; or
Transportation, which is not otherwise available under the Medicaid program, to access community services, activities, and appointments;